免震装置 [ま行]

[新月] 免震装置 | earthquake shock absorber 
A Japanese maker of earthquake shock absorbers said on Friday that at least 70 buildings across the country may have used its products for which quality data was falsified and that nearly 1,000 are suspected of having done so.

KYB Corp said this week it had falsified data on the quality of some of its earthquake shock absorbers since at least 2003 in one of the world's most quake-prone nations, the latest in a series of compliance scandals that has shaken confidence in Japan's manufacturing prowess.  (Reuters 2018/10/20)                               


「語句」                                       earthquake shock absorber : 免震装置                     
falsify : 偽造する                               
quake-prone nation : 地震の多い国                 
compliance : 法令順守                            
shake confidence : 信頼をぐらつかせる              
manufacturing prowess : 優れた生産能力

※免震装置とはー地震が発生したときに、建物に伝わる揺れを低減するために、地盤と建物の間に設置される装置。地震の激しい揺れをゆっくりした揺れに変えるアイソレーターと、揺れを吸収するダンパーを組み合わせたものが一般的に用いられる。 (デジタル大辞泉)

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まとめ買いする [ま行]

[新月] まとめ買いする | stock up on

Public transport services were halted citywide after major tremors shook Osaka in June and Hokkaido last week.

But, in both places, that didn’t stop salarymen and women in their customary dark suits making their way to work-some by walking for at least an hour.

Orderly queues formed outside convenience stores and supermarkets that remained open, with stoical residents stocking up on necessities.
(The Straits Times 2018/9/8)




halt : 休止(停止)させる
citywide : 市全域に
major tremor : 大地震
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水増しする [ま行]

[新月] 水増しする | inflate

The Japanese government has been found to have inflated the number of people with disabilities under its employment by 3,460 to meet a legal quota, in a damning investigation revealed yesterday that has stoked domestic furore.

The data padding had been done at 27 out of 33 government entities, the Labour Ministry said.  (The Straits Times 2018/8/29)                         



inflate : 膨らませる、水増しする
people with disabilities : 障害者
legal quota : 法定雇用率
damning : 非常に不利な、手厳しい
stoke furore : 激しい怒りを引き起こす
data padding : データの水増し
government entities : 政府機関(中央省庁)

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身元調査を行う [ま行]

[新月]( ~の)身元調査を行う | run a background check on ~

The government said it will take steps to deter organised crime, such as running background checks on firms that apply for casino licences, with fines of up to 500m yen for those who submit false applications.  (The Guardian 2018/7/16) 


take steps to ~ : ~するための措置を講じる
deter : 防止する
run a background on ~ : ~の身元調査を行う
apply for ~ : ~に申し込む
fine : 罰金
submit false application : 虚偽の申請書を提出する

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猛暑 [ま行]

[新月] 猛暑 | scorching heat

The scorching heat was making it hard for volunteers in the flood-hit areas of southwestern Japan on Saturday. Thousands of volunteers are expected to help with debris clean-up work in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, Ehime and Hiroshima prefectures during the long holiday weekend.
(Japan Today 2018/7/15)


scorching : 〔日光によって皮膚が〕焼けるような
「参考」 under the scorching sun : 炎天下で
flooded-hit areas : 水害を被った地域
debris : がれき
熱中症: heatstroke
脱水症状になる : get dehydrated

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免許取り消し、停止になる  [ま行]

[新月] 免許取り消し、停止になる | have one’s drivers licenses revoked or suspended

The police agency said about 19,00 older drivers had their licenses revoked or suspended, while another 16,000 voluntarily surrendered their licenses. (The Guardian 2018/6/8)


revoke : 無効にする、廃止する 
voluntarily surrender one’s license : 免許を自主返納する

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見返りに [ま行]

[新月] 見返りに | in return for

Futoshi Sano, 58, the director general and former deputy vice minister, allegedly heeded a request in May 2017 by Tokyo Medical University, which asked to be named as a candidate for a ministry project in return for padding his child's entrance examination results. (Kyodo 2018/7/5)


heed : 聞き入れる
be named as ~: ~として指定される 
pad : 〔請求や支出額を余分に〕つり上げる、膨らませる

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無理心中 [ま行]

[新月] 無理心中 | murder-suicide                         

A couple in their 70s or early 80s have been found dead in their house in Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward, police said Sunday.
Police said the deaths appeared to be a murder-suicide, adding a suicide note was found in the kitchen, Sankei Shimbun reported.  (Japan Today 2018/5/6)                                   


appear to be ~: ~と見られている
murder-suicide : 無理心中                                 suicide note 「遺書」

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目を背ける [ま行]

目を背ける = avert one's eyes from ~

Post war, we started out on our path bearing in mind feelings of deep remorse over the war. Our actions brought sufferings to the peoples in Asian countries. We must not avert our eyes from that. I will uphold the views expressed by the previous prime ministers in this regard.
(2015/04/29 米上下両院合同会議で行われた安倍首相の演説)


start out on our path 「歩みを刻む」
bear in mind~「~を心に留める」
deep remorse 「痛切な反省」
uphold 「支持する、守る」



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見て見ぬふりをする [ま行]

見て見ぬふりをする = turn a blind eye to ~

A LUXURY fridge worth ¥200,000 ($2,000) was one of the goodies that yakuza gangsters bought with loans from a consumer-finance arm of Mizuho Bank. Mostly it was flashy used cars, bought at inflated prices and quickly sold on.

Mizuho, whose parent, Mizuho Financial Group, is Japan's second-biggest lender by assets, turned a blind eye to the loans, but did not mount a full cover-up, concluded an internal investigation this week.
(Economist 2013/11/02)



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