入管難民法改正案 [な行]

[新月] 入管難民法改正案 | amendment to the immigration control law

An amendment to the immigration control law with the aim of accepting more foreign workers is being discussed in the Diet. The revision has two pillars ? the creation of new visa categories for foreign workers with certain skills and the establishment of an immigration control agency as an extra-ministerial bureau of the Justice Ministry. The Abe administration hopes to get the amendment enacted during the current Diet session and enforce it next April.  (The Japan Times 2018/11/14)


amendment : 改正(案)
immigration control law : 入管難民法
with the aim of ~: ~を目的として
establishment : 設立
extra-ministerial bureau : 外局
enact : 制定する、成立させる
diet session : 国会会期
enforce : 施行する

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(他人に)成り済ます [な行]

[新月] (他人に)成り済ます impersonate

Sekisui House had paid 6.3 billion yen by June 1 last year for the site of a closed inn near JR Gotanda Station. But the company's application to change its ownership was rejected by the Legal Affairs Bureau after the documents provided by the suspects were found to have been falsified.
The real landowner died in June last year after being hospitalized for about four months and Haketa has admitted to impersonating her, according to investigators. (Kyodo 2018/10/17)                     

application to ~: ~するための手続き                           
change its ownership : 所有権を変更する                
Legal Affairs Bureau : 法務局                          
falsify : 偽造する                              
impersonate : [だますために] (人)に成り済ます 
※impersonate = to pretend to be somebody to deceive people or to entertain them (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

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(代表)認定を取り消す [な行]

[新月](代表)認定を取り消す | withdraw accreditation

Japan has sent home four players from their Asian Games basketball team for spending the night with women in a Jakarta hotel, the head of the delegation Yasuhiro Yamashita said on Monday.

"The Japan National Olympic Committee decided to withdraw their accreditation and send them back to Japan early this morning," Yamashita said. (Reuters 2018/8/20)



accreditation : (主に教育機関の)認証評価、適格性認定

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2年連続で [な行]

[新月] 2年連続で | for the second consecutive year                                     
The annual number of newborns in Japan in 2017 dropped to 946,060, marking a new record low and below 1 million for the second consecutive year, a government survey showed Friday.

According to health ministry data, a natural decrease in the country's population came to 394,373, the largest margin of decline, with the number of births down by 30,918 from the previous year and the number of deaths climbing to a postwar high of 1,340,433. (Kyodo 2018/6/2)



newborn : 新生児                                 
mark a new record low : 過去最少となる                           natural decrease : 自然現減少=死者数                    
climb to ~: ~に達する

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任意での事情聴取 [な行]

[新月] 任意での事情聴取 | questioning on a voluntary basis 
The man, who is being questioned, has begun to confess about his involvement in the death of Tamaki Omomo, a second-grader at Kobari Elementary School who vanished while on her way home on May 7, investigators said.
Questioning began earlier in the day on a voluntary basis and the man’s name is being withheld. (Kyodo 2018/5/14)                  


confess : 自供する                                  involvement 「関与、かかわり合い」 
vanish : 消える 
on a voluntary basis : 任意で
withheld : (名前が)公表されない

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長い目で見る [な行]


Noda has pushed to phase out of all nuclear reactors by 2030, while the LDP has generally supported the use of nuclear power, despite the Fukushima disaster.

“It’s only been three years since the DPJ came to power, we need to give them a little more time,” Fukuda said. “I’m not ready to turn back the clock yet.”
(ABC News 2012/12/15)




phase out  「段階的に廃止する」
give someone time 「長い目で見る」
turn back the clock  「昔のやり方に戻る」

Japan Poised for Another Leader as Weary Voters Head to Polls

熱中症 [な行]

熱中症 = heatstroke

The Fire and Disaster Management Agency said Tuesday that 16 people died and 8,670 were taken to hospital due to heatstroke in the week of July 23-29.

Of the number of people taken to hospital, 3,717 were aged 65 or older, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency said.
(Japan Today 2012/07/31)



猛暑: extreme heat, heat wave

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なれ合い [な行]

なれ合い = collusion

An independent parliamentary committee issued a report on Thursday on last year’s crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, concluding that the disaster was “man-made” and the result of “collusion” between Japan’s regulatory bodies and Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of the facility and Japan’s largest utility. Together, the report reads, “they effectively betrayed the nation’s right to be safe from nuclear accidents.”

(Time 2012/07/05)



Report: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Was Man-Made

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内縁の妻 [な行]

内縁の妻 = common-law wife

Police said Saturday they have arrested a 34-year-old man and his 20-year-old common-law wife for allegedly abusing the woman’s 2-year-old daughter at their home in Tomisato City, Chiba prefecture.
(Japan Today 2012/06/02)


(人)と内縁関係にある  have de facto marriages with~

Truck driver, common-law wife arrested for abusing woman's 2-year-old daughter
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難色を示す [な行]

難色を示す | be reluctant to ~

Japanese publishers have been reluctant to provide content to Amazon over concerns that the retailer will sell ebooks at bargain prices, the Nikkei said.
(AFP 2011/10/21)


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