離婚する [ラ行]

[新月]離婚する | split with

 Japanese actor Ken Watanabe, who has appeared in a number of American films including the 2003 period drama "The Last Samurai," has split with his actress wife Kaho Minami, their agencies said Thursday.
The couple's divorce came about a year after a magazine report that the 58-year-old Watanabe had been cheating on the 54-year-old Minami, an allegation later admitted to by the actor. (Kyodo 2018/5/18)  


split with : 離婚する                                    
※「離婚する」は一般的にはdivorceを使うが、最近はニュースメディアではsplit withという口語表現を使うことが多い                   
cheat on ~「~を裏切って浮気する」  

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臨戦態勢 [ラ行]

臨戦態勢を取る | on a war footing

Government officials say some of the low-level safety breaches may be justified, given that Tepco is on a war footing and that its top priority is to stabilise the reactors.
(Economist 2011/11/05)


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ロールシャッハ抗議 [ラ行]

ロールシャッハ抗議 | Rorschach protests

It is easy to demand “just solutions”. But this is so far a movement without detailed policies. You might call them the Rorschach protests. Politicians and newspaper commentators stare at the inkblots and see what they want to see. If they see nothing very coherent, they offer suggestions of their own.
(Economist 2011/10/08)


Rorschach test
「スイスの精神科医Rorschachの考案した性格診断法で、無意味な左右対称のインクのしみが何に見えるかを答えさせ、それを分析して性格や精神内部の状態を診断する検査のこと。inkblot testともいう。」


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累積被ばく量 [ラ行]

累積被ばく量 | cumulative radiation

In a nationwide notice to its blood centers April 1, the society instructed them not to accept blood donations for six months from workers at the Fukushima No. 1 and No. 2 nuclear plants who were exposed to cumulative radiation of 100 millisieverts or more.
(The Japan Times 2011/06/08)

