そだねー [さ行]

[新月] そだねー | that’s it                

"Sodane," which Japan's women curling team often used to say "that's it" while playing during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, has been selected as Japan's top buzzword for 2018, the award's organizer, publishing company U-Can, said Monday.

"Sodane" can also be said when nodding in response. The term caught on as the curling team from Hokkaido spoke it with an intonation considered cute and casual by stretching the last part of the word, as they played their way to a bronze medal. (Kyodo 2018/12/4)



buzzword : 流行語
nod in response : 相づちする 
catch on : 人気を博する、受ける 

● e スポーツ ● (大迫)半端ないって ● おっさんずラブ
● ご飯論法 ● 災害級の暑さ ● スーパーボランティア
● 奈良判定 ● ボーっと生きてんじゃねーよ!
● #MeToo

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衝撃が走り抜ける [さ行]

[新月] (~中に)衝撃が走り抜ける | send shockwaves through

The board of Nissan has voted to sack its chairman, Carlos Ghosn, days after his arrest for alleged financial misconduct sent shockwaves through the business world.

The seven-member board voted unanimously to dismiss Ghosn, who is credited with saving the carmaker from bankruptcy when he took over almost two decades ago and forging a successful alliance with Renault and Mitsubishi Motors. (The Guardian 2018/11/22)



vote to ~ :~することを投票で決める                  
sack : 解雇する                               
alleged ~: ~疑惑                             
financial misconduct : 不正会計                      
send shockwaves through ~: ~に衝撃が走り抜ける             
unanimously : 全員一致で                        
dismiss : 解雇する、解任する                          
be credited with ~ : ~したことで高い評価を得る       
bankruptcy : 倒産                                
take over ~: ~を受け継ぐ                          
forge alliance with ~: ~との協力[提携]関係を作り出す 

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主催する  [さ行]

[新月] 主催する | host

A Japanese minister in charge of cybersecurity has provoked astonishment by admitting he has never used a computer in his professional life, and appearing confused by the concept of a USB drive.

Yoshitaka Sakurada, 68, is the deputy chief of the government’s cybersecurity strategy office and also the minister in charge of the Olympic and Paralympic Games that Tokyo will host in 2020.

In parliament on Wednesday however, he admitted he doesn’t use computers.

“Since the age of 25, I have instructed my employees and secretaries, so I don’t use computers myself,” he said in a response to an opposition question in a lower house session, local media reported. (The Guardian 2018/1115)





in charge of ~: ~担当
provoke astonishment : 驚きの声を引き起こす
deputy chief of ~: ~副部長
host : ~を主催する
local media : 地元メディア

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存在感を強める [さ行]

[新月] | step up one’s presence

Police in Shibuya are stepping up their presence for Halloween for the next three nights after a wild weekend. On Sunday, police said five people had been arrested on charges of groping, camera voyeurism, fighting and destruction of property during Saturday night revelry.
(Kyodo 2018/10/29)                      


step up one’s presence : 存在感を強める
groping : 痴漢行為
voyeurism : のぞき見
destruction of property : 器物損壊
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自己責任 [さ行]

[新月] 自己責任 | personal responsibility  
The Japanese government and ruling parties appear to be holding off on criticism of a freelance journalist who returned to Tokyo on Thursday after spending 40 months in captivity in war-torn Syria, in stark contrast with similar incidents in the past.
When citizens, particularly journalists, have been taken captive in conflict zones in the past, criticism that they failed to take "personal responsibility" for their actions has been a standard ruling party talking point. (Kyodo 2018/10/27)                           

hold off on ~ : ~を控える                           
in captivity : 監禁、[拘束]されて                       
war-torn : 戦火にまみれた、戦乱の                      
 in stark contrast with ~ : ~と全く対照的に                 
be taken captive : 拘束される                        
conflict zone : 紛争地帯                          
personal responsibility : 自己責任                      
talking point : (多くの人が話したがる)テーマ、話題

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地面師グループ [さ行]

[新月] 地面師グループ | land scam group

Land scam group sent Sekisui House payments to multiple accounts
Fraud suspects in a bogus land deal targeting Sekisui House Ltd are believed to have sent payments from the major Japanese homebuilder to multiple accounts and remitted a part of the money overseas, investigative sources said Wednesday. (Kyodo 2018/10/17)               


scam : 詐欺                                  
bogus : 偽の、架空の                         
homebuilder : 住宅建築業者                       
multiple accounts : 複数の口座                      
emit : 送金する


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女性活躍の社会 [さ行]

[新月] 女性活躍の社会 | society where women can be more active

“We must recognise that the ratio of women cabinet ministers is low compared with other countries, but Japan has just begun to create a society where women can be more active,” he said. “I think we will nurture people who can become cabinet ministers.”

He claimed that the lone female appointee, the former career bureaucrat Katayama, had the determination of multiple women. “She is incredibly feisty. I know there is only one woman in this cabinet, but Ms Katayama has the presence of two or three women. I hope she will use that to promote the goal of female empowerment,” he said, according to the Japan Times.  
(The Guardian 2018/10/3)



the ratio of ~ : ~の比率                        
nurture : 育てる                                 
have the determination of ~ : ~の決意がある             
have the presence of ~ : ~の持ち前の存在感              
the goal of female empowerment : 女性活躍の旗

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心肺停止 [さ行]

[新月] 心肺停止 | cardiopulmonary arrest

A powerful earthquake paralyzed Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido on Thursday, killing at least seven people, triggering landslides and knocking out power to its 5.3 million residents.
The death toll from the 6.7-magnitude, pre-dawn quake was likely to rise as rescuers searched houses buried by landslides.

About 33 people were missing and 300 were injured, public broadcaster NHK said. Four people were in cardiopulmonary arrest, a term used before death is officially confirmed.
(Reuters 2018/9/6) 


paralyze : 機能を麻痺させる                       
trigger landslides :地滑りを引き起こす                   
knock out power : 停電させる                  
cardiopulmonary arrest : 心肺停止                       

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性的少数者 [さ行]

[新月] 性的少数者 | LGBT

A lawmaker belonging to Abe's ruling party, Mio Sugita, said in a right-wing magazine in July that the government shouldn't use tax money for LGBT rights because same-sex couples don't produce children and have "no productivity."

The comment triggered outrage from sexual minorities as well as others, including the elderly and disabled.
(AP 2018/9/1)



lawmaker : 国会議員
LGBT : 性的少数者 (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgenderの頭文字をとったもの)
trigger outrage : 怒りを引き起こす

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(得点を)操作する [さ行]

[新月] (得点を)操作する | manipulate

The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said Tokyo Medical University had manipulated the entrance exam results of women since about 2011 to keep the female student population low. Quoting unidentified sources, it said the manipulation started after the proportion of successful applicants who were women reached 38% in 2010. (The Guardian 2018/8/2)         


manipulate :操作する、操る
keep ~low : ~の数を低く抑える
unidentified sources : 匿名の情報筋
successful applicants : (入学試験の)合格者
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