異端審問 [あ行]

[新月] 異端審問 | inquisition                  

A CEO once hailed as a business savior is arrested at the airport, held in detention for days without being charged, interrogated by prosecutors without a lawyer present, and fired from his post amid media leaks claiming he’s guilty of financial malfeasance.

Communist China? No, capitalist Japan, where former Nissan Motors CEO Carlos Ghosn is enduring a bizarre inquisition. The publicly available facts are murky, but the episode ought to trouble anyone concerned with due process and corporate governance in Japan. 
(Wall Street Journal 2018/11/27)


これは共産主義の中国での出来事なのか? いや、資本主義の日本だ。日産モーターの最高経営責任者のカルロス・ゴーン氏は日本で奇妙な異端審問に耐えている。メディアが相次いで報じているカルロス・ゴーン逮捕容疑についてはあいまいなところがある。しかし、今回の逮捕には、日本の法の適正手続き関係者やコーポレート・ガバナンス(企業統治)関係者は皆、困惑の色を隠せないだろう。

hail : 歓迎する、歓呼して迎える                     
savior : 救世主                                 
be held in detention : 拘留される                   
interrogate : 尋問する                           
financial malfeasance : 財政上の不正行為              
bizarre : 奇妙な                              
inquisition : 取り調べ、宗教裁判、異端審問              
murky : あいまいな、はっきりしない                      
due process : 適正手続き                         
corporate governance : 企業統治

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液状化現象 [あ行]

[新月] 液状化現象 | liquefaction                    

The Sapporo city government estimated damage to its public facilities, mainly roads, would top 10 billion yen.

Liquefaction reportedly destroyed at least 10 houses in Kiyota Ward, Sapporo. Damage from liquefaction also has been confirmed in the city's Higashi Ward and the cities of Ebetsu, Kitahiroshima and Tomakomai.
(The Straits Times 2018/9/15)

「和訳」 公共施設や幹線道路の損害は100億円を超えると札幌市では見ている。


estimate : 見積もる、推定する
public facilities : 公共施設
top : 上回る
liquefaction : 液状化現象
be confirmed : 確認される
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インターネット中毒 [あ行]

[新月] インターネット中毒 | addiction to the internet

Addiction to the internet causes problems in daily lives due to heavy use of the internet. Those dependent are feared to become reclusive or be violent toward family members and possibly suffer brain problems and illnesses such as depression. (Japan Today 2018/9/2)


addiction to ~ : ~中毒
cause problems : 問題を引き起こす
heavy use of ~ : ~の多用
those (who are) dependent : (ネット)依存者
brain problems : 脳疾患
depression : うつ病

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終わりにする [あ行]

[新月]終わりにする | draw a curtain on

While the execution of Aum Shinrikyo cult founder Shoko Asahara and six of the group's former senior members may have drawn the curtain on a string of crimes that shocked Japan, it opens the door for society to engage in further debate about the death penalty. 
(Kyodo 2018/7/7)


execution : 死刑執行、処刑 
draw a curtain on ~: ~を幕引きにする、~を終わりにする
a string of ~: 一連の~
open the door for ~ to : ~に…するチャンスが出てくる 
death penalty : 死刑

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悪質ラフプレー [あ行]

[新月] 悪質ラフプレー | cheap shot 
As a result of the cheap shot, the Kansei Gakuin quarterback sustained ligament damage in his spine that will take three weeks to heal, but no nerve damage. His school said he will be cleared to practice once the pain recedes. (Kyodo 2018/5/19)  


ligament damage 「靭帯の損傷」
nerve damage : 神経障害     
recede 「弱まる、減少する」    
spine 「脊椎」
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えこひいき [あ行]

[新月] えこひいき | cronyism  

Public support for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet has risen 1.9 percentage points to 38.9 percent from a month before, even as cronyism allegations linger over a veterinary school project involving Abe's close friend, a Kyodo News poll showed Sunday. (Kyodo 2018/5/14)     


cronyism : 〔官職の任命で〕友人をえこひいきすること                   
linger over ~ : ~に長々と時間をかける               
veterinary school : 獣医学部                           
poll : 世論調査
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インスタ映え [あ行]

[新月] インスタ映え | look good on Instagram
"Insta-bae," meaning "looking good on Instagram," has been selected as one of Japan's top buzzwords for 2017 as many businesses launched photogenic products for people uploading photos on the popular social media platform, the award's organizer said Friday.
(Kyodo 2017/12/1) 


launch : 商品を売り出す、発売する         
photogenic products : 写真写りの良い商品                
upload photos on~ : 写真を~に投稿する

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育児休暇 [あ行]

[新月] 育児休暇 | paternity leave

A Japanese politician who made headlines over his quest to take paternity leave quit on Friday after admitting to an affair while his wife was pregnant.

Kensuke Miyazaki, 35, shook up Japan’s conservative political scene when he sought to take a month’s leave to help his then pregnant wife, a first for a male Japanese lawmaker.
(the Guardian 2016/2/12)



make headline : 大ニュースになる
take paternity leave : 〔父親が〕出産・育児休暇を取る
※女性が取る育児休暇はmaternity leaveといいます。
affair : 不倫
pregnant : 妊娠した
shake up : 〔人を〕揺さぶる、動揺させる
take a leave : 休暇を取る

First Japanese MP to take paternity leave resigns over affair

大阪都構想 [あ行]

大阪都構想 = "Osaka Metropolis"

On May 17th the mayor lost a public referendum on his pet scheme to unify the government of the city of Osaka, Japan's second-biggest, with that of its prefecture.

Mr Hashimoto's bold idea, "Osaka Metropolis", was to save money by replacing its 24 existing wards with five new districts under the prefectural government.
(The Economist 2015/05/21)



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暴かれる [あ行]

暴かれる = be laid bare

The seedy links between Japanese mobsters - the dreaded yakuza - and the bankers who loan them millions have been laid bare as the nation's government cracks down on organised crime.

Japan is engulfed in its worst mob scandal in years and it's shining a rare light on the links between big business and shadowy organised crime groups usually known for street-level ventures like extortion and loan sharking.
(MailOnline 2013/12/01)



seedy 「いかがわしい、怪しげな」
lay bare 「~を暴露する」
crack down on ~ 「~への取り締まり」
be engulfed in ~  「~に包まれる、~ に巻き込まれる」
shine a light on ~ 「~ に光を当てる」
street-level 「末端の」

Japanese mobsters becoming 'Goldman Sachs with guns': Executives at Japanese banks apologise for lending millions to underworld figures

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