雇用契約 [か行]

[新月] 雇用契約 | employment contract

The overhaul, which would come into effect in April if passed during the current extraordinary Diet session, would create two new residence status types for foreign individuals working in sectors suffering labor shortages.

The first category would be renewable for up to five years and would require applicants to have a certain level of skill and experience in their fields. As a general rule, workers in this category would not be allowed to bring family members into the country.

The second category would be renewable indefinitely for workers with valid employment contracts. This category would require a higher level of skills than the first category and would allow workers to bring along spouses and children. (The Japan Times 2018/11/2)




come into effect : 効力を生じる、発効する、成立する
extraordinary Diet session : 臨時国会
labor shortage : 人手不足
renewable : 更新できる
a certain level of ~ :一定レベルの~
as a general rule : 原則として
indefinitely : 無期限に、永久に
valid : 有効な
employment contract : 雇用契約
bring along : (人を)連れてくる
spouse : 配偶者

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観光公害-② [か行]

[新月] 観光公害-② | overtourism

Japan is launching its first survey on "overtourism," or the phenomenon of a popular destination becoming overrun with tourists in an unsustainable way, to counter nuisances such as noise and congestion that disrupt locals' lives, according to officials.  
(Japan Today 2018/10/15)  

phenomenon : 現象                            
popular destination : 有名観光地                     
overrun with~ : ~であふれかえる                
unsustainable : 支持できない                        
disrupt local’s lives : 地域の生活を混乱させる


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急増する [か行]

[新月](~が)急増する | see a surge in ~          

Japan has seen a surge in foreign students enrolling in nursing care schools, with the number nearly doubling this academic year amid a labor shortage in the caregiving sector in the rapidly graying country, a survey show Monday.

A total of 1,142 foreign students enrolled in schools with nursing care programs in April, up from 591 a year earlier, according to a survey by the Japan Association of Training Institutions for Certified Care Workers. (Japan Today 2018/9/18)

※社団法人日本介護福祉士養成施設協会 ◆1991年設立。厚生労働省の所管

see a surge in ~: ~が急増する
enroll : 入学する
nursing care school : 介護専門学校
academic year : 学年(度)

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稼働を開始する [か行]

[新月] 稼働を開始する | come online

Hokkaido Electric Power Co. announced that the No. 1 unit at its Kyogoku pumped hydroelectric power plant in the town of Kyogoku was restarted on Thursday evening. The unit, which has an output of 200,000 kilowatts, had been shut down due to an equipment malfunction. The No. 2 unit, which also has an output of 200,000 kilowatts, was expected to come online on Friday. (The Straits Times 2018/9/15)

北海道電力は京極町の京極水力発電所1号機が13日に再稼働したと発表。供給力が20万キロワットの1号機はこれまで装置の不具合のため停止していた。2号機も供給力が20万キロワットあるが、14 日に稼働を開始すると見られている。

pumped hydroelectric power : 水力発電所
output : 水力発電の供給力
shut down : 閉鎖する、停止する
equipment malfunction : 装置の不具合
come online : 操業を開始する
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逆走する [か行]

[新月] 逆走する | drive the wrong way down

The high school student, who did not have a driver's license, ignored a police officer's order to stop and fled, driving the wrong way down a one-way road and running a red light before crashing into a roadside pole, according to the local police.
(Kyodo 2018/8/31)


drive the wrong way down :(道路を) 逆走する
one-way road : 一方通行道路
run a red light : 信号無視をする

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家事を手伝う [か行]

[新月] 家事を手伝う | help around the house

"The university's scandal is not just about entrance exams but poses a question of how a man should work," said the female doctor's husband who doesn't help around the house. But he said he intends to change the habit of staying at the office until his boss goes home.
(Japan Today 2018/8/13) 

pose a question of ~についての問題を提起する           
help around the house : 家事を手伝う
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系列(付属)病院 [か行]

[新月] 系列(付属)病院 | affiliated hospital

Trying to avert a potential shortage of doctors at its affiliated hospitals may make sense from the viewpoint of managing the institutions. But it is unacceptable from the viewpoint of fairness in medical school entrance exams. There are persistent rumors that this practice is not limited to Tokyo Medical University but is also prevalent among other private universities.
(The Japan Times Editorial 2018/8/4)               


shortage of doctors : 医師不足 
affiliated hospitals : 系列(付属)病院
make sense : 道理にかなう、うなずける
from the viewpoint of ~: ~の観点から 
unacceptable : 受け入れられない、容認できない 
persistent : 持続する、いつまでも続く                           
There is a rumor that ~: ~といううわさがある          
not limited to ~: ~に限定されない
prevalent : 広く行き渡った、流行している
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子育て [か行]

[新月] 子育て| child rearing

In Japan, many women are college graduates but face discrimination in hiring and pay. Long working hours and lack of support in child rearing from their husbands often force them to give up their careers. As Japan’s population ages and birth rates remain low, many workplaces including hospitals are chronically short staffed. (Time 2018/8/2)            

face discrimination : 差別に直面する ※faceは動詞                   
lack of support from ~ : ~からの協力不足                 
child rearing : 子育て                                
※動詞はrear。 rear a child「子供を育てる」                    
give up their careers : 仕事を辞める                      
birth rates : 出生率                            
chronically : 慢性的に                                
be short staffed : 従業員が不足している
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(~できる)環境を整える [か行]

[新月] (~できる)環境を整える | create an environment

As part of the plan, which was approved by the Cabinet last month, the government is considering reorganizing the Justice Ministry’s Immigration Bureau, as well as potentially upgrading it to an affiliated agency.
“To create an environment in which foreigners can live smoothly is an important issue,” Abe said during Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting. (Kyodo 2018/7/24)  

「語句」                                J
Justice Ministry’s Immigration Bureau : 法務省入国管理局      
affiliated agency : 外局、関係機関

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解禁する [か行]

[新月] 解禁する | lift the ban

As head of a group campaigning to raise awareness of gambling addiction, Tanaka now faces a battle on another front. Having lifted the ban on casinos in 2016 after 15 years of debate, Japan’s parliament recently passed a bill setting out how they should be run, in response to claims that they will create a new generation of problem gamblers. (The Guardian 2018/7/16)     

raise awareness of ~ : ~の認識を高める                  
gambling addiction : ギャンブル依存症                     
lift the ban on ~ : ~を解禁する                          
pass a bill : 法案を通過させる                           
set out ~ : ~を設定する                               
in response to ~ : ~に応えて

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