当たり障りのない [あ行]

当たり障りのない = bland

He said its call for a radical loosening of monetary policy was "reckless". Mr Yonekura backtracked, but has been cold-shouldered by the government. Since then, bossess have been sticking to the tatemae, bland statements of support for Abenomics. Privately, many are less keen.
(The Economist 2013/11/09)


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愛妻の日 [あ行]

愛妻の日 = "Beloved Wife" Day

It may be common for American couples to say “I love you,” but in Japan it takes a special day to get men to profess their love to their wives.

On Tuesday night, Japanese husbands gathered up the courage to declare their devotion publicly before Jan. 31, which has become “Beloved Wife” day or “Aisai,” a play on the words for 1 and 31.

(ABC News 2013/01/30)

「アメリカ人夫婦の間では"I love you "というのは当たり前のことと見られているかもしれないが、日本では夫が妻に愛を告白するのに特別な日を設けている。



Husbands Shout Their Love on ‘Beloved Wife’ Day
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居眠り運転をする [あ行]

居眠り運転をする=doze off behind the wheel

Police have obtained an arrest warrant for the hospitalized 43-year-old bus driver who has admitted to dozing off behind the wheel, and plan to charge him with negligent driving resulting in death, after he has recovered from his injuries.

(Japan Today 2012/05/01)


get behind the wheelで「運転席に座る、ハンドルを握る、運転する」の意。
negligent driving resulting in death 「業務上過失致死運転」

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援助交際 [あ行]

援助交際 = compensated dating

Enjo-kōsai means "compensated dating" and is a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money and/or luxury gifts to attractive women for their companionship and, possibly, for sexual favors. The female participants range from primarily school-aged girls to housewives. A common misconception is that enjo-kōsai always involves some form of sexual activity.
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アルツハイマー病 [あ行]

アルツハイマー病=Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and memory loss in adults, particularly those above the age of 60. It is thought to be caused by an accumulation of a particular protein called amyloid in the brain. Most normal people have a small amount of this protein in their brain, and it is thought that the accumulation over one’s lifetime that may result in the disease.
(ABC News 2012/01.23)


アルツハイマー病はAngry Birdsで阻止ー前編
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うっぷんを晴らす [あ行]

うっぷんを晴らす | blow off steam

In France street demos are tolerated, sometimes glorified, as a way to blow off steam and win the attention of deputies who neglect voters or forget their election promises.
(Economist 2011/10/08)


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命をかける [あ行]

命をかける | risk one's life

IN TAHRIR SQUARE and Homs, Egyptians and Syrians have risked their lives to demand basic democratic freedoms. In Britain, that nation of shopkeepers, the young take to the streets to smash windows and steal trainers and television sets. Greeks are rioting because they can see their economic future being washed down the drain of the euro.
(Economist 2011/10/08)



nation of shopkeepers 「商人の国民(英国民を差す軽蔑的表現)」
take to the streets 「街に繰り出す、街頭でデモを繰り広げる」
trainers 「スニーカー、トレーニング・シューズ」
注)日本語の洋服の「トレーナー」は和製英語で、正しくはsweat shirtsという

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違反している [あ行]

違反している | in contravention of ~

He stepped down after admitting he had received around 250,000 yen from an ethnic Korean who is not a citizen—a family friend who runs a restaurant—in contravention of Japanese political funding laws.
(AFP 2011/08/24)


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育児休暇 [あ行]

育児休暇 | maternal and paternal leave

Family law should give divorced women a more generous share of the couple’s assets. Governments should also legislate to get employers to offer both maternal and paternal leave, and provide or subsidise child care. If taking on such expenses helped promote family life, it might reduce the burden on the state of looking after the old.


※ 育児休暇は一般的には妻の方が取るので、maternal leaveが普通だが、夫も取る時代だと、paternal leaveとも言う必要が出てくる。

The decline of Asian marriage

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陰謀を企てる [あ行]

陰謀を企てる | plot a scheme

The assembly member also said that a senior official in the prefectural government knew just before the event that the utility was plotting such a scheme but did nothing to prevent it.


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