免震装置 [ま行]

[新月] 免震装置 | earthquake shock absorber 
A Japanese maker of earthquake shock absorbers said on Friday that at least 70 buildings across the country may have used its products for which quality data was falsified and that nearly 1,000 are suspected of having done so.

KYB Corp said this week it had falsified data on the quality of some of its earthquake shock absorbers since at least 2003 in one of the world's most quake-prone nations, the latest in a series of compliance scandals that has shaken confidence in Japan's manufacturing prowess.  (Reuters 2018/10/20)                               


「語句」                                       earthquake shock absorber : 免震装置                     
falsify : 偽造する                               
quake-prone nation : 地震の多い国                 
compliance : 法令順守                            
shake confidence : 信頼をぐらつかせる              
manufacturing prowess : 優れた生産能力

※免震装置とはー地震が発生したときに、建物に伝わる揺れを低減するために、地盤と建物の間に設置される装置。地震の激しい揺れをゆっくりした揺れに変えるアイソレーターと、揺れを吸収するダンパーを組み合わせたものが一般的に用いられる。 (デジタル大辞泉)

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(他人に)成り済ます [な行]

[新月] (他人に)成り済ます impersonate

Sekisui House had paid 6.3 billion yen by June 1 last year for the site of a closed inn near JR Gotanda Station. But the company's application to change its ownership was rejected by the Legal Affairs Bureau after the documents provided by the suspects were found to have been falsified.
The real landowner died in June last year after being hospitalized for about four months and Haketa has admitted to impersonating her, according to investigators. (Kyodo 2018/10/17)                     

application to ~: ~するための手続き                           
change its ownership : 所有権を変更する                
Legal Affairs Bureau : 法務局                          
falsify : 偽造する                              
impersonate : [だますために] (人)に成り済ます 
※impersonate = to pretend to be somebody to deceive people or to entertain them (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

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地面師グループ [さ行]

[新月] 地面師グループ | land scam group

Land scam group sent Sekisui House payments to multiple accounts
Fraud suspects in a bogus land deal targeting Sekisui House Ltd are believed to have sent payments from the major Japanese homebuilder to multiple accounts and remitted a part of the money overseas, investigative sources said Wednesday. (Kyodo 2018/10/17)               


scam : 詐欺                                  
bogus : 偽の、架空の                         
homebuilder : 住宅建築業者                       
multiple accounts : 複数の口座                      
emit : 送金する


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観光公害-② [か行]

[新月] 観光公害-② | overtourism

Japan is launching its first survey on "overtourism," or the phenomenon of a popular destination becoming overrun with tourists in an unsustainable way, to counter nuisances such as noise and congestion that disrupt locals' lives, according to officials.  
(Japan Today 2018/10/15)  

phenomenon : 現象                            
popular destination : 有名観光地                     
overrun with~ : ~であふれかえる                
unsustainable : 支持できない                        
disrupt local’s lives : 地域の生活を混乱させる


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女性活躍の社会 [さ行]

[新月] 女性活躍の社会 | society where women can be more active

“We must recognise that the ratio of women cabinet ministers is low compared with other countries, but Japan has just begun to create a society where women can be more active,” he said. “I think we will nurture people who can become cabinet ministers.”

He claimed that the lone female appointee, the former career bureaucrat Katayama, had the determination of multiple women. “She is incredibly feisty. I know there is only one woman in this cabinet, but Ms Katayama has the presence of two or three women. I hope she will use that to promote the goal of female empowerment,” he said, according to the Japan Times.  
(The Guardian 2018/10/3)



the ratio of ~ : ~の比率                        
nurture : 育てる                                 
have the determination of ~ : ~の決意がある             
have the presence of ~ : ~の持ち前の存在感              
the goal of female empowerment : 女性活躍の旗

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急増する [か行]

[新月](~が)急増する | see a surge in ~          

Japan has seen a surge in foreign students enrolling in nursing care schools, with the number nearly doubling this academic year amid a labor shortage in the caregiving sector in the rapidly graying country, a survey show Monday.

A total of 1,142 foreign students enrolled in schools with nursing care programs in April, up from 591 a year earlier, according to a survey by the Japan Association of Training Institutions for Certified Care Workers. (Japan Today 2018/9/18)

※社団法人日本介護福祉士養成施設協会 ◆1991年設立。厚生労働省の所管

see a surge in ~: ~が急増する
enroll : 入学する
nursing care school : 介護専門学校
academic year : 学年(度)

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稼働を開始する [か行]

[新月] 稼働を開始する | come online

Hokkaido Electric Power Co. announced that the No. 1 unit at its Kyogoku pumped hydroelectric power plant in the town of Kyogoku was restarted on Thursday evening. The unit, which has an output of 200,000 kilowatts, had been shut down due to an equipment malfunction. The No. 2 unit, which also has an output of 200,000 kilowatts, was expected to come online on Friday. (The Straits Times 2018/9/15)

北海道電力は京極町の京極水力発電所1号機が13日に再稼働したと発表。供給力が20万キロワットの1号機はこれまで装置の不具合のため停止していた。2号機も供給力が20万キロワットあるが、14 日に稼働を開始すると見られている。

pumped hydroelectric power : 水力発電所
output : 水力発電の供給力
shut down : 閉鎖する、停止する
equipment malfunction : 装置の不具合
come online : 操業を開始する
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液状化現象 [あ行]

[新月] 液状化現象 | liquefaction                    

The Sapporo city government estimated damage to its public facilities, mainly roads, would top 10 billion yen.

Liquefaction reportedly destroyed at least 10 houses in Kiyota Ward, Sapporo. Damage from liquefaction also has been confirmed in the city's Higashi Ward and the cities of Ebetsu, Kitahiroshima and Tomakomai.
(The Straits Times 2018/9/15)

「和訳」 公共施設や幹線道路の損害は100億円を超えると札幌市では見ている。


estimate : 見積もる、推定する
public facilities : 公共施設
top : 上回る
liquefaction : 液状化現象
be confirmed : 確認される
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まとめ買いする [ま行]

[新月] まとめ買いする | stock up on

Public transport services were halted citywide after major tremors shook Osaka in June and Hokkaido last week.

But, in both places, that didn’t stop salarymen and women in their customary dark suits making their way to work-some by walking for at least an hour.

Orderly queues formed outside convenience stores and supermarkets that remained open, with stoical residents stocking up on necessities.
(The Straits Times 2018/9/8)




halt : 休止(停止)させる
citywide : 市全域に
major tremor : 大地震
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避難勧告 [は行]

[新月] 避難勧告 | evacuation recommendations

More than 220 died in floods in July mainly because "less than one percent of people affected by local evacuation recommendations actually went to the shelters, thinking that there would not be a problem," notes Jean-Francois Heimburger, an expert on natural disasters in the country.

Unlike in other countries, even the highest levels of evacuation orders in Japan are not compulsory and the vast majority of people ignore them. (Japan Today 2018/9/10)



affected by ~~の影響を受ける                    
evacuation recommendations : 避難勧告               
shelter : 避難所、シェルター                     
evacuation orders : 避難命令                    
compulsory : 強制的な
the vast majority of ~: ~の大部分

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